Rotterdam: Jews against ‘Palestinians in Europe’ conference


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Crime20against20humanity20by20Tsaha[2]On February 28, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the top gun at the Simon Weisenthal Center and Austrian-born Israeli propagandist Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld penned an article at the Zionist mouthpiece, the Huffington Post. In the article, the Zionist rats put Rotterdam’s Muslim Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb on trial for not stopping the upcoming conference on ‘Palestinian in Europe’ sponsored by the London-based Palestinian Return Center (PRC) and two Dutch pro-Palestinian groups. The conference is slated for April 15, 2017.

Whether the congress takes place or not will be a litmus test for Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb, a moderate Orthodox Muslim. While a member of the extreme anti-Israel Labor Party, he has not publicly expressed anti-Israel sentiments in the past. After the Paris terrorist murders in January 2015 he said, “For those who have sympathy for the attack, there is no place in the Netherlands. For Heaven’s sake…

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