Maria Poumier: “The Jewish State Has a Detestable Mafia-Like Logic and Practices the Historical Lie on an Unprecedented Scale”


Maria_Poumier_2__af29c.jpgMohsen Abdelmoumen: Why every time someone supports the just cause of the Palestinian people, he is subjected to a real lynching with accusations of anti-Semitism, negationism, etc.?

Maria Poumier: It is obvious that Israelis are afraid, precisely, that the defense of the Palestinians will lead to questioning the founding myths of Israeli politics. And they know it’s a losing battle for them. The recurrence of their ferocity against the Palestinians, against the Western militants who defend the Palestinian cause and against the historians who point out all the frauds and blackmail to impose a version as dogmatic as incoherent on the history of the persecutions suffered by a number of Jews during the Second World War, all this is more and more visible. This repression validates, globally, the idea that from the beginning, the Jewish State has a detestable Mafia-like logic and practices the historical lie on an…

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